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White Plume Mountain

White Plume Mountain

Gamboge Forrest 

The ancient, dense Gamboge Forest lies between the states of Nyrond and the Pale, though neither claims it. Thousands of humans, gnomes, and sylvan and high elves live here among the bronzewood, oak, elm, and hornwood trees. Ogres and hobgoblins from the mountains raid woodland villages or the plains beyond. Despite the dangers, the Gamboge is fairly peaceful, ready to trade wood, fruits, nuts, or tubers to Nyrond or, less often, the Pale.


half elf face.jpg
Wood Elves 50%, High Elves 6%, Human 29%, Gnomes 13%, other 2%
Though there is relative peace in the Gamboge Forrest, the species who live there rarely tolerate outsiders. â€‹
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